How to Identify Common Cold Symptoms

Sometimes, the common cold is difficult to distinguish from other illnesses, as the symptoms are often similar. Confusing other illnesses with the common cold can be dangerous, so being able to differentiate between what’s normal and what’s not normal is very important. The following information will help you identify the symptoms of the common cold and alert you to any indicators of a more serious condition.

Read more: How to Identify Common Cold Symptoms |


Things You'll Need:

  • Digital Thermometer

    Identify Common Cold Symptoms

  1. 1

    Determine how your symptoms started. Common cold symptoms tend to present suddenly and usually begin with a scratchy throat or stuffy nose, usually between 1 and 3 days after you’ve been exposed to the cold virus.

  2. 2

    Check your temperature. Sufferers of the common cold may experience a low-grade fever. However, if your fever is above 101 degrees, you are probably dealing with something a little more serious such as the flu or a bacterial infection.

  3. 3

    Determine your energy level. If you have a common cold, you may feel slightly tired and weak. However, if you feel exhausted or very weak you probably do not have a cold and you should see your doctor promptly.

  4. 4

    Check for these common cold symptoms. A stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, mild sore throat, and a hacking cough are usually symptoms of the common cold. These symptoms will reach their peak in three to seven days and should begin to diminish shortly thereafter.

  5. 5

    Note the duration and severity of your symptoms. If you haven’t been feeling well for more than two weeks, you probably don’t have a cold. A cold should only last seven to ten days and you should consult your doctor if your symptoms persist any longer. A sore throat that worsens or lasts longer than three days is not normal and could signal a more serious illness such as Strep Throat. The cough associated with the common cold may last up to four weeks or longer, however a cough that produces dark phlegm is not typical. Dark phlegm is indicative of a bacterial infection and warrants a call to your doctor as soon as possible.

Read more: How to Identify Common Cold Symptoms |
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